Grounded by the Universe
This is the Summer of my Broken Leg
Hello! This newsletter, you may have noticed, is “late.” I usually send this Lunaticle out just before the full moon, but it’s two weeks after the full moon — just in time for the new moon on Sunday, August 4th.
So what’s with the scare quotes around the word “late” then? Read on, Friend, read on.
On July 7th, the energetic gong that is me and my little life was WHACKED by the universe and the reverberations are just now beginning to die down, revealing an entirely different energetic figuration.
You may or may not be aware, but I broke my leg on Sunday, July 7th. I was NOT skating, as it may be reasonable to assume. Rather I was trying to hang a hummingbird feeder from a beautiful big tree in the front yard and I fell. Really hard. I was home alone and it took me about an hour to drag myself the 30 or so feet into the house, shaking and crying and cursing the whole time. I didn’t think it was broken. I thought I could tough it out.
By Monday morning when my mom got up, I was screaming to go to the hospital. I broke my right “tibial plateau” which required surgery that…